Our Lady of Victories Church

Case Study

Case Study

Our Lady of Victories Church

Our Lady of Victories RC Church is a long standing client that Hampton’s have been working with for over 20 years. During this time we have carried out timber preservation treatments and a wide range of general maintenance work throughout the church including the installation of a disabled access ramp.

More recently, extensive dry rot was identified around the location of the church organ which required the actual removal of the organ pipes by an expert in order to allow us access to treat or replace the affected timbers.

Following the harsh winter of 2010, Hampton’s were asked to undertake an inspection of the church roof and roofline to establish the extent of damage caused by a continual build up of snow and ice over a 3 month period. The inspection established major damage to the roof and gutters that was exposing the inner building to the elements thus causing further damage to the church.

In order to repair the damage and due to the height restrictions, Hampton’s used a lorry mounted hydraulic platform for access. The work included the removal and replacement of rainwater goods, slates and snowboards. Hampton’s were also tasked with clearing vegetation and debris from the flat roof section above the main church entrance.